Access UBS BSM

Freedom to do more

Manage Multiple Buildings in ONE system

Access UBS BSM

Due to urbanization, people are choosing to move to the city in search of better job opportunities. Bigger residential and commercial developments are increasingly built to accommodate the influx of new job seekers and the existing community.

Access BSM is a property management system that helps you simplify your building operations.

Enjoy the newer and better Access UBS BSM Now!

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Access UBS BSM Feature, Function & Specification

Ease of Management

It is difficult to manage when your information is distributed all over the place and in separate slides. Access BSM helps to simplify your building management and operations. Access BSM capture your owners / tenants’ information, property listing and manages your vendor relationships in 1 system so that you can find your data easily and have the full picture readily.

Whether it’s enquiring property information, sending invoices to tenants, recording vendor expenses or publishing building reports, Access BSM makes it simple.

Take care of your core assets

Consolidate all your property units in Access BSM. Tag each units to an owner / tenant profile. Create reports on property occupation status and ownership.

Keeping the lights on

Manage your account payables. Organize your list of vendors and their information. Schedule payments for your expenses on time and update them as paid.

Know your customer

Know your owners / tenants. Maintain their contact details including their personal data, vehicle number, financier and insurance information.

Collect information and bad debts, issue metered invoices, late payment interest and monthly statements. Offset extra payment for future transactions. Keep track of all your time and update them as paid.

Analyze and plan ahead

Generate detailed management reports on your property, owners and vendors. Report template included Property Occupancy, Property Ownership, Owner Bad Debt Aging, Owner List by Financier, List of Vendors and List of Vendor Payments.

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